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Mobile game consisting of two important mechanics: the creation and development of their own viruses from the accumulated materials and fighting with the enemy for conquering the map and winning new viruses.
Using the Expload blockchain in the game as a registry for patenting your own virus and renting it out, as well as insuring the virus against loss.
About the project
Amoeba is a mobile game with the use of blockchain technology to guarantee the choice of independent randomization, patenting and insurance of game elements. The game consists of two important mechanics: the creation and development of their own viruses from the accumulated materials and fighting with the enemy for conquering the map and winning new viruses. Thanks to the development of game mechanics in the form of combat and capture of the card, the created game elements become not just collection material, but their own army, which can capture new worlds and fight with other participants. The game consists of a mobile application and a smart contract on the Expload platform where it occurs. patenting, renting and insuring your own item.
Technical solutions
System structure
We worked through an interesting game mechanics and used the blockchain usefully:
1. The player creates his own virus with parameters
2. A smart contract is created by the owner of the patented item for a fixed cost.
3. The tenant pays the rental price and gets the virus in. its "army"
4. The game mechanic of the battle is similar to the game Mushroom wars
5. Before the battle, you can insure your virus through the insurance company to pay damages in case of defeat.
Creation and patenting
The player creates his own virus with the parameters:
- More volume> More Health
- More "sharp"> More Heal Speed
- Get a bonus - Random from the location of the peaks

The author can obtain a patent for possession of the virus in the blockchain and then lease the virus and earn money.

Fight and insurance
The game mechanic battle is similar to the game Mushroom wars. We manage our own viruses with our own characteristics and think over the strategy of capturing the enemy.

Before the battle, you can insure your virus through the insurance company to pay damages in case of defeat. Blockchain will provide transparency of insurance for both the player and the insurance company.
Technology benefits
Any player creates his own element, and can fight with other players. Information about winnings and transfer of ownership of the element is recorded in the blockchain.
Thanks to blockchain technology, you can provide an opportunity to patent your creation. After that, you can rent as an element with a good bonus.
The new scope of the blockchain to ensure transparency in the event of a random and loss. The insurance company can connect and insure the risk of losing the virus.
The project team. Winners GameNode Hackathon 2018.
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